How do i use DontPush OzoneLayer with Portlets

Hi, I`m having hard time getting my vaadin portlet to work with DontPush OzoneLayer.

After setting everything up, when i deploy my portlet, constructor of my window component is being invoked, but attach not, and after 5 seconds i get the red ConnectionGuard message.

My widgetsets compile and deploy correctly. I modified web.xml, portlet.xml added context and atmosphere xml but to no avail.

Is it on my side, or maybe DontPush OzoneLayer doesnt support portlets? For example the ICEPush addon has a separate instruction for usage with portlets (definition of servlets in web.xml), and ServerPush does not support them.

A working example made on vaadin portlet maven archetype will do. I would just like to know, if it is even possible, to use this Addon with portlets at all


I haven’t never tried OzoneLayer in a portal. I think you’d at least need to define the separate servlet for UIDL communication as I’d bet servlet spec isn’t up with modern things like request suspension or websockets. Also portlet parts would most likely need some modifications as the add-on is integrated deep to the Vaadin communication parts.

I’m currently not interested to use my spare time on this particular case. Other upgrades to this and some other projects fill my todo list already. If you want this case to be inspected, you could
go for Pro
support and buy an expert from us to work on this area.


at the moment i am facing the same problem when trying to get the DontPush OzoneLayer working in Liferay Portal.

Is there any new information conerning a solution of that issiue?

best regards



At least I know nobody who has worked on this kind of setup. With portlet1 style stuff it might be quite easily achievable, but I think portlet2 make too much abstractions for Atmosphere to work.
