Treegrid method addExpandListener


I have a question, I see in your doc in this url ( you use this method treeGrid.addExpandListener(…) but I can’t use it in Vaadin 7 and in Vaadin 8, the component treegrid doesn’t work.

Could you explain me when and how this method works treeGrid.addExpandListener.
Can I use it on Vaadin 7.


The TreeGrid component mentioned in the doc exists in Vaadin Framework 8.1, which release is currently in beta.

The TreeGrid add-on is built for Vaadin 7 and it doesn’t have this feature.

Try upgrading to 8.1 to use the feature. Upgrading from 8 is very simple, while upgrading from 7 may require some more work, but you can use the compatibility package for a smoother transition.



but I want to know if the version 7 will implement the method addExpandListener because i need a method like addItemClickListener to know when user click on node in a treegrid.