DataProvider, Spring Data JPA and query by example

Getting started with Vaadin 8, I hacked up a little prototype that I think is quite neat.

Spring Data JPA has a feature called “Query By Example”, that lets you filter your data by using one of your domain objects as a probe/example (you just need to pass such an example to one of Spring’s JpaRepositories).

In Vaadin it’s very easy to show domain objects in a grid, and it’s also quite easy to bind a couple of input fields to a domain object.
So I figured, why not use this with the new data provider system of Vaadin and combine it with Spring’s QBE: If you want to create a filter form/filter row, just bind a couple of fields to a domain object/entity, and pass it to the data provider, and let spring do the rest of the work.

The result ist the following DataProvider (quick and dirty, just to give an idea how this can work).

public class ExampleFilterDataProvider<T, ID extends Serializable> implements ConfigurableFilterDataProvider<T, T, T> {
private final JpaRepository<T, ID> repository;
private final ExampleMatcher matcher;
private final List defaultSort;
private final ConfigurableFilterDataProvider<T, T, T> delegate;

public ExampleFilterDataProvider(JpaRepository<T, ID> repository,
                                 ExampleMatcher matcher,
                                 List<QuerySortOrder> defaultSort) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(defaultSort.size() > 0,
            "At least one sort property must be specified!");

    this.repository = repository;
    this.matcher = matcher;
    this.defaultSort = defaultSort;

    delegate = buildDataProvider();

private ConfigurableFilterDataProvider<T, T, T> buildDataProvider() {
    CallbackDataProvider<T, T> dataProvider = DataProvider.fromFilteringCallbacks(
            q -> q.getFilter()
                    .map(document -> repository.findAll(buildExample(document), ChunkRequest.of(q, defaultSort)).getContent())
                    .orElseGet(() -> repository.findAll(ChunkRequest.of(q, defaultSort)).getContent())
            q -> Ints.checkedCast(q
                    .map(document -> repository.count(buildExample(document)))
    return dataProvider.withConfigurableFilter((q, c) -> c);

private Example<T> buildExample(T probe) {
    return Example.of(probe, matcher);

public void setFilter(T filter) {

public boolean isInMemory() {
    return delegate.isInMemory();

public int size(Query<T, T> query) {
    return delegate.size(query);

public Stream<T> fetch(Query<T, T> query) {
    return delegate.fetch(query);

public void refreshItem(T item) {

public void refreshAll() {

public Object getId(T item) {
    return delegate.getId(item);

public Registration addDataProviderListener(DataProviderListener<T> listener) {
    return delegate.addDataProviderListener(listener);

public <C> DataProvider<T, C> withConvertedFilter(SerializableFunction<C, T> filterConverter) {
    return delegate.withConvertedFilter(filterConverter);

public <Q, C> ConfigurableFilterDataProvider<T, Q, C> withConfigurableFilter(SerializableBiFunction<Q, C, T> filterCombiner) {
    return delegate.withConfigurableFilter(filterCombiner);

public ConfigurableFilterDataProvider<T, Void, T> withConfigurableFilter() {
    return delegate.withConfigurableFilter();

private static class ChunkRequest implements Pageable {
    public static <T> ChunkRequest of(Query<T, T> q, List<QuerySortOrder> defaultSort) {
        return new ChunkRequest(q.getOffset(), q.getLimit(), mapSort(q.getSortOrders(), defaultSort));

    private static Sort mapSort(List<QuerySortOrder> sortOrders, List<QuerySortOrder> defaultSort) {
        if (sortOrders == null || sortOrders.isEmpty()) {
            return new Sort(mapSortCriteria(defaultSort));
        } else {
            return new Sort(mapSortCriteria(sortOrders));

    private static Sort.Order[] mapSortCriteria(List<QuerySortOrder> sortOrders) {
                .map(s -> new Sort.Order(s.getDirection() == SortDirection.ASCENDING ? Sort.Direction.ASC : Sort.Direction.DESC, s.getSorted()))

    private final Sort sort;
    private int limit = 0;
    private int offset = 0;

    private ChunkRequest(int offset, int limit, Sort sort) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(offset >= 0, "Offset must not be less than zero!");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(limit > 0, "Limit must be greater than zero!");
        this.sort = sort;
        this.offset = offset;
        this.limit = limit;

    public int getPageNumber() {
        return 0;

    public int getPageSize() {
        return limit;

    public int getOffset() {
        return offset;

    public Sort getSort() {
        return sort;

    public Pageable next() {
        return null;

    public Pageable previousOrFirst() {
        return this;

    public Pageable first() {
        return this;

    public boolean hasPrevious() {
        return false;

[/code]With that data provider, you can use a domain object for filtering (see setFilter below).
How QBE matches is specified by passing an example matcher (there you can configure that, for example, a substring match should be performed, or you can ignore certain properties of your domain objects). More information about QBE can be found here:

The following example would fill a grid with all users that have a username that contains the String ‘Quill’:

List defaultSort = ImmutableList.of(new QuerySortOrder(“username”, SortDirection.ASCENDING));
ExampleFilterDataProvider<User, Integer> filterDataProvider = new ExampleFilterDataProvider<>(userRepository,

User probe = new User();

Grid grid = new Grid<>();
[/code]Although this is only a prototype, it does filtering, sorting, and lazy loading, and should work with any kind of Spring Data Repository / JPA Entity.

Awesome, thanks for the example Tom!

Just the thing I was looking for. Beautiful!!