no changes after scss compilaiton & stuff


  1. I’m new to maven, so I don’t know why the attached vaadin project compils my theme.scss but still I cannot
    see the changes after changing my theme file. The program draws a css circle in a vaadin panel.
    I change the color in the theme file, everything ockey, no errors, but no changes either. I do clean at Tomcat server,
    nothing. I don`t know what is wrong.

  2. Also, I want to know what:
    asyncSupported = true
    setting means

  3. If I have in a
    and have more than one application I want to invoke, like this:
    I always have to copy

    to each
    ? Is this the correct way?

I hope my cuestions are understandable. Thanks in advance.



  1. I tried again all this with an vaadin 7.6.3 non-maven project and with web.xml descriptor where I have
    setted up session-timeout at 1 minute for testing reasons and because of that I realized that application
    takes changes at new session or, maybe, when this session refreshed, I don’t know.
    Now, I wonder, is this the way vaadin works?

  2. I was not able to try this with V8 maven projects because I don’t know how to set session-timeout with
    @WebServlet anotation.

    By the way, how I do this?

Stil waiting for some answers. Thanks



please can I receive some answers.


Windows 7 64-bit
Vaadin: 8.0.6
Java 8


I just started with migrating my Vaadin application and must say I’m quite desappointed.
Yes, a lot of things are easier to do, but still it takes to much time to migrate thinks.
I had to look at to many examples to make it my grid work.
I was able to migrate just one simple grid but without my stylesheet. I was not able to change
text color of the grid, of the button, of the label.
In previous version of my application I used
and my extension and I culd change
almost everything I wanted, but now it seems not to work anything.

So, I want to know what I have to do Vaadin takes changes in my theme.scss with Valo.

P.S.: Besides, could you answer on my cuestions from 4 months ago written in this post.

part of my stylesheet:
@import “…/valo/valo.scss”;

@mixin cnstema {
@include valo;

.v-app {
background: #FFFFFF;

.v-label {
font-size: 28px;
color: #0F4DA2;
font-family: Georgia;
font-weight: normal;
padding-left: 10px;
line-height: 32px;

.v-button-caption {
color: red;


I looked at youtube Valo Webinar and tried to do exactly the same thing but nothing happened.
I really don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Please, help me out with this, if not I will have to choose another Java web
Framework for building my apps.

Also, I would like to know, if I reduce the generated space of verticalLayout with the help of my css styling.


the page erased all my attachments.

Could you, please, turn off, this, hm, page refreshing. It is annoying.



so far I managed that myTheme.scss worked. But:

  • only took ONE change at the first time and then no more
  • is only the demo made with netbeans plug-in with annotation

In mine main proyect wich was created “manuali” and based on web.xml I culd not maked it work.
production mode
is set to

I don’t know where to compile the mytheme.scss
How Vaadin refreshes the theme? Restaring the app, redeploying it, something else?


Windows 7 64-bit
Vaadin: 8.0.6/8.1.4
Java 8
Netbeans 8.2


I’m still waiting -
- for some answers, but meanwhile I’m trying to solve my problems.
I figured out that I have to delete .css file created at first time.
Then two of my test proyects started to take changes. Then I tried to do so with a fresh new Vaadin proyect
I Created a new project, built it an ran it. But again, Vaadin didn’t take my changes in myTheme.scss file.

Desperately searching for a solution I ran
Run Dev Mode
in proyect’s drop down menu → Vaadin.
And then I was able to work on my theme without any problems.

So, I want to know, if is this correct, or is there another way to do this. It must be a easer way.
I don’t know how is this working in
, but should be practicaly the same.
Do I have to have installed maven in


Windows 7 64-bit
Vaadin: 8.0.6/8.1.4
Java 8
Netbeans 8.2

I’m still waiting - disappointed - for some answers.

As my proyect is not maven proyect, I decided to create styles.css in vaadin/themes/mytheme/
folder importing valo, but the proyect woun’t take default grid style, only my changes made on label.

Again, I don’t know what I am doing wrong.
I’m running out of time with all this, so please, can someone provide me some answers.


@import “…/valo/styles.css”;

.v-app {
background: #FFFFFF;

.cns-label-naslov {
font-size: 28px;
color: #0F4DA2;
font-family: Georgia;
font-weight: normal;
padding-left: 10px;
line-height: 32px;

Hi Aleksander,
so, just to better understand, you can confirm that

  • you have a VAADIN/themes/mytheme folder in your webapp (or in a jar inside WEB-INF/lib)
  • you added vaadin-themes-x.y.z.jar dependency
  • your UI is annotated with @Theme(“mytheme”) (or the theme has been set in some other way)

Hi Marco,

thanks for your help.

Firsto of all you have to know that this -NO MAVEN- proyect “was born” with the Vaadin version 7.x.x before the plugin was made and before valo theme, I think. I wanted to do as most as possible manually because wanted to learn this way and from “scratch”. I was using
reindeer theme

When I migrated to Vaadin 8 I decided to use
valo theme
Now, back to your questions:

  • my theme is located -
    Netbeans IDE
    - here:


  • I tried both ways; one with vaadin-themes-x.y.z.jar dependency and another way where I copied all
    theme folder
    from jar to


  • In "one & only
    UI class
    my theme is annotated with @Theme(“mytheme”)

I don’t know if it is important, I use
descriptor instead of
java annotations.

I will attach the file just in case.

36318.xml (1.14 KB)

Hi Marco,

The latest proyect I have at home. If I will not be able to resolve theme issue tonight, I will send you, as you said, a minimal part of my proyect or the war file, so you can check it out.


Hi Aleksander,
it can’t see nothing wrong with your project.
Are you able to share the project (or a minimal part of it just to reproduce the problem) or the war file?

Hi Marco,

I couldn’t solve my problems with the valo themes, that’s why I’m sending you zipped

It is really strange. First, vaadin wouldn’t take one of style classes (“subtitulo”) despite is iqual to the

Also, I noticed that the browser (Chrome) was throwing an error in console. I attached the snapshot.
Because of comunications problems with vaadin forum I’m sending this first.


Hi Marcos,

I have comunications problems with vaadin forum. I don’t know what happened.
I couldn’t attach anything. I don’t know the file size limit.

Do you have any e-mail in which you would be able to receive my zipped proyect splitted in
6 files of 4 MB each one?


Hi Aleksander,
I don’t like to share my email address directly in a public forum (to avoid spam).
If you are a github user you can get my email from my

Best regards

Hi Marco

after some time I was able to configure and run my proyect. It seems that, since the Vaadin proyect is now of type maven by default, it is not possible to create, configure and run it as I had it in Vaadin version prior to version 8 or I don’t know how to do it as I don’t know maven.
However, now my proyect works as I want to.

Thanks for your help.