Impossible Load Theme from ClassPath (Tomcat)

Hi guys:

I’m runing VAADIN 6.8 / Eclipse at local machine, everything its ok, but when i deploy it on my server (Tomcat 5.x / cPanel) this can’t load the theme from classpath, to solvent this i did an copy of theme generated from chameleon and put into VAADIN folder. I really need use load theme from classpath feature.

how can i fix it ?

  • What is wrong here ?
  • SystemSecurity ?
  • Wrong Configuration ?

Thanks for help.


If you are using chameleon with no changes, you should just be able to add the jar files to /WEB-INF/lib

If you want to extract the theme - or if you want to use your own Custom theme - you need to place the files in VAADIN/themes/theme-name, e.g. VAADIN/themes/chameleon.

Note that these path names are case-sensitive, even on Windows - so WEB-INF and VAADIN must be in capitals, and theme-name must match the case of the name of the theme in the code. These “restrictions” (?) are put in place by Tomcat & J2EE spec, not Vaadin itself.




Thank Charlie, sorry my english, but let me explain better:

  • I’m using theme generate from Chameleon editor (theme.jar), so i download this theme.jar and place into my WEB-INF/lib (local machine running tomcat). When i’m test my application, this running just i was expected (my application using this theme), but if i upload all my application into my public server, this doesn’t works, the theme is not load from WEB-INF/lib/theme.jar.

I was trying add configuration /VAADIN/* in servlet mapping → web.xml and this doesn’t works.

I hope this could be understand better.



Have you also added vaadin-chameleon-theme-x.y.z.jar to WEB-INF/lib (as well as ‘theme.jar’)? This is also necessary for the chameleon theme to work - see the README.txt file inside the
Vaadin Chameleon Theme Add-on

(The Theme Editor generates an extra jar containing your customisations, not the complete theme)


