design of vaadin view with html files


I am working on a vaadin team project, and I am very curious about how to configure views thanks to html files in vaadin.
Indeed, at the moment, the configuration is made directly in the view, and the use of vaadin designer is not part of this project. So, could it be possible to manually configure html files describing the configuration of the components of the view ? Would you recommand it ?
Actually, I tried today with a first view, but I was annoyed because of a vitirin component : MTable, for which I could not find a vaadin label in the html.
Is there a documentation for the description of components organization in html files ?

Another reason which leads me to try to define this html description of components organization is the question of designing responsive pages and popup. Indeed, at the moment, it is very difficult to get the right configuration for the main wanted screen size (1024*76), and it could be more efficient to use a responsive tool.
Do you have any advices about this ?

Thanks for your advices

Best regards,
