vaadin-upload retrive file uploaded

I am starting using vaadin polymer elements.
In particular I would like to know the use of vaadin-upload. Aparently it works fine but the file uploaded is not in the targeted url. Where is it?
In case that is in a stream, how can read it
using php
and save in a permenent site?
Thanks in advance

Hi Miguel Angel.

Vaadin Upload is just a helper for client side to send data using the ‘multipart/form-data’ standard, it needs some code in the server side able to handle the POST request.

Take a look to this
to understand how it works. Probably you need to copy some php code from
as reference.

Hi Manuel,
Thanks for you answer.
Reading the domumentation provided, I checked some events in order to know if the component works fine. Both events upload-request and upload-succes are fired correctly.
My problem still is to know how the serve receives the information. Using a

Select image to upload: The serve recives $_FILES with the information to be processed. But what happen in the case of using ? How can open the php script with the appropiate information? If you can provide some information and/or example, it would the very usefull. Thanks
