finding updates for add-ons in project

For other maven based projects I have done, I could use mvn versions:display-dependency-updates to find depencies that could use updates, but in the case of Vaadin plugins, I am not sure that is the best way. For instance, for now I am using Vaadin 7, but the above command tells me to update to 8.0.4. Now, the above report is perfectly correct, but it implies that, for add-ons, I might get an add-on version that is really only valid for Vaadin 8. So I guess I am asking how to get the next add-on version that is appropriate for my Vaadin major version ( in this case, Vaadin 7 )?

If that is not possible, is there, per chance, and nice way to list out all the vaadin directory supplied add-ons? That way, I could manually check for updates, and not miss an add-on.

For now, I am not concerned with non-vaadin add-ons and depencies. Even so, the above maven command will solve those issues anyway, which is why I am not so concerned with them.