Using LoginForm

I’m trying to use LoginForm downloaded from addons. I’m using vaadin 7.7.9 tomcat 8 and java 1.8.121. When I start the web app I have this error (attachment stack.txt). My LoginView is attached, ivy.xml attached.
Anyone knows this error?
32908.xml (2.08 KB)
32909.txt (4.03 KB) (3.83 KB)

Try to remove the Login Form dependency from you ivy file:

In 7.7.9, I would use the LoginForm from the framework (com.vaadin.ui.LoginForm)

Nothing at all. Now the response is:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ejt.vaadin.loginform.DefaultVerticalLoginForm

Looks like something is still using the old dependency.
You should not see com.ejt.vaadin.loginform anymore.
Maybe try to do a clean build?

This is the popup when I put the cursor on the DefaultVerticalLoginForm

Login form that lays out the text fields and the login button vertically. This is a convenience class, you can extends from LoginForm and override LoginForm.createContent(com.vaadin.ui.TextField, com.vaadin.ui.PasswordField, com.vaadin.ui.Button) to create an arbitrary layout.

This is a new project, also a new Tomcat(9).

I don’t understand: you say “You should not see com.ejt.vaadin.loginform anymore.”. I thought that my libraries was not good.
I attach the libraries of my project.

I’ve removed loginform-0.6.2.jar, better: I’ve removed from ivy.xml (and was disappared from build path) but running the app I have java.lang.ClassNotFoundException.
I think that I have many vaadin layers on my eclipse.
There is a mothod to clean everithngs?

What I mean is that you should not use loginform-0.6.2.jar anymore.
Remove the dependency from your project and change your code to use the LoginForm from the framework:

I don’t know why looking in the properties of my project I see on vaadin property this attached. I’ve created my project with wizard Vaadin 7 (ivy).
Any ideas? And thanks very much for your patience

I didn’t see that right away but you are using confirmdialog 3.1.1 which is for Vaadin 8.
This is probably causing most of your issues.
Try using confirmdialog 2.1.3 (which is the latest Vaadin 7 version).
Regarding LoginForm, I would recommend using the one from the framework.

Now it’s ALL ok. It was confirmdialog 3.1.1!! But may be it was better write it on addons!
Thanks very very much