Elements add on

I trying to use the vaadin-grid with my vaadin, but the only sample uses vaadin 8, can I use in vaadin 7?

this is the post with vaadin8 https://vaadin.com/blog/-/blogs/using-vaadin-elements-with-vaadin-framework


In the
Directory page for Elements
, choose version 1.5.0 in the dropdown to the left. It is the last version for Vaadin Framework 7. I had a look on what changes was made going from 0.1.5 to FW8 supporting 0.2.0, and it seems to be only about HTMLImports.

Seems like in FW7 the API was ElementIntegration.getRoot(wrapper).importHtml("VAADIN/bower_components/google-map/google-map.html"); while in FW8 it is the built in annotation @HtmlImport("vaadin://bower_components/google-map/google-map.html")

Jens where I put the

? in MyComponent constructor??

I want to use the grid have some sample?


I tryng to does this:

@Tag("vaadin-grid") public interface VaadinGridElement extends Element {
    static VaadinGridElement create() {
      VaadinGridElement q = Elements.create(VaadinGridElement.class);
      return q;
     void setItems(String items);  
public class VaadinGridComponent extends AbstractElementComponent {
  VaadinGridElement element;
  public static interface ValueChangeListener {
   void valueChange(String option);
  public VaadinGridComponent(String label, String... options) {
element = VaadinGridElement.create();
// ElementIntegration.getRoot(this).importHtml("VAADIN/bower_components/vaadin-grid/vaadin-grid.html");
if (options != null) {
  JsonArray array = new JreJsonFactory().createArray();
for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { array.set(i, options[i]
} element.setItems(array.toJson()); }
Root root = ElementIntegration.getRoot(this); root.appendChild(element); }

and in my UI

But I got the error:

Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot cast org.vaadin.elements.impl.ElementImpl$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$f795e5e7 to br.com.lumera.cartoriointeligente.ui.custom.VaadinGridElement

I have the same ClassCastException using vaadin 8.1, found any fix yet?