Apache/Glassfish configuration


I would like to deploy my Vaadin application.
I have 2 questions :

  • How can I configure Glassfish to work with Vaadin 6.3 ? I downloaded Glassfish 3.1 nigthly but I don’t know how to install it well.
  • Then, I would like to make Glassfish running with Apache (as HTTP server). Has anyone got a documentation of how to configure Apache with Glassfish ?


Hi Kevin,

there are no special configuration steps for Vaadin and Glassfish. Just build your webapp .war application and deplpy it to Glassfish as any other .war file.

The only thing you may consider - if you’ll be using CDI and annotations - please include gwt-user.jar to your .war file - this is due to Glassfish bug (Im not sure if this was fixed in 3.1 or not)

Regarding the intergation with Apache - you need to use mod_jk for Apache and connect it to jk connector in Glassfish, so Apache will forward requests to the application server. You’ll need to copy additional jk jar files to Glassfish in order to enable JK as it is not included to the GF core.

For example, please see the following page
- while it describes version 2.1 of Glassfish, it is also valid for at least 3.0


Thank you for your response. It helped me.

Regards, Kevin.