Vaadin 8 (8.0.5) - with Google Chrome (latest version, currently 52).


Just getting in touch, as I have a question related to Vaadin 8 (8.0.5) - with Google Chrome (latest version, currently 52).

I’ve been checking the Release Notes for Vaadin Framework 8.0.5 -

and it says:

Vaadin Framework 8.0.5 supports the following desktop browsers:

Mozilla Firefox (latest version, currently 48)
Mozilla Firefox ESR (latest version, currently 45 ESR)
Internet Explorer 11, Edge (latest version)
Safari 9+
Google Chrome (latest version, currently 52)

When they refer to “Google Chrome (latest version, currently 52)” , do they refer to that this is the latest version of supported chrome.

Thanks & best.


That means that the latest version of Google Chrome is supported, as of writing those release notes it is version 52. Chrome updates itself automatically and you should consider that the latest version of Chrome is always supported.