Compiling widgetset

I am using vaadin 7.7 . I included spreadsheet addon and then i try to compile widgetset and i get the following error
" Failed to execute goal com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:7.7.7:compile (default-cli) on project HelloMe: GWT Module com.pathf.gwt.util.json.jsonwrapper not found in project sources or resources. "
I could find no jar available for this . Does somebody have an idea how to include this in pom.xml


can you share your pom.xml? That might help narrow the problem down.


I have attached the pom.xml
31315.xml (14.3 KB)


Two issues come to mind in the pom.xml.


Hello Pontus Bostroem,

I tried switching to gwt-2.8.0 as in the link you had mentioned. The compile Widgetset button from eclipse did not throww me an error. But I had this error

“Widgetset ‘com.vgs.HelloMe.AppWidgetSet’ does not contain implementation for com.vaadin.addon.spreadsheet.Spreadsheet. Check its component connector’s @Connect mapping, widgetsets GWT module description file and re-compile your widgetset. In case you have downloaded a vaadin add-on package, you might want to refer to add-on instructions.”

When i tried clean gwt:compile on the the right click of the project in maven build option in the field of goal, I ended up with the same error as above “Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:gwt-maven-plugin:2.8.0-rc2:compile (default-cli) on project HelloMe: GWT Module com.pathf.gwt.util.json.jsonwrapper not found in project sources or resources.”

What is missing in project setup.? My project works fine with precompiled add ons. When I try to add new add on and recompile it doesnt work. I am stuck with this problem for a month


When you compile the widgetset with Maven, you should use the goal “vaadin:compile” instead of gwt:compile. After you have done this and if there are still some problems, check the project’s gwt.xml-file that your widgetset inherits the spreadsheet widgetset.

I also noticed that in the configuration of your vaadin-maven-plugin, you have specified one module (I didn’t notice this the last time). You can leave the configuration empty, then the widgetset handling is automatic (your widgetset will inherit all widgetsets in the jars added as dependencies).

The use of gwt-2.8 in Vaadin 7 projects is not something that is actively supported. It is something that should work, but there might very well be problems with some add-ons. If you do not absolutely need gwt-2.8, it might be a good idea to just stick with the default version used with the Vaadin version you use.


Thanks for your quick reply. Even on using vaadin:compile I get the same error . But my projectgwt.xml has inherits spreadsheet widgetset.

I briefly looked into what com.pathf.gwt.util.json.jsonwrapper actually is. It seems like it is some small wrapper for GWT’s JSONValue. Apparently it is something that is used by one of your dependencies but not properly included. The github repository is here

It also seems like it is pretty old and not included in the Vaadin client jar at least. It looks like using Spreadsheet might not be the problem, but som other dependency. If you run vaadin:compile when you do not have the spreadsheet dependency, do you get the same problem?


Hi again,

Based on your suggestions, I realised there were a few unnecessary dependencies in my project. Now I went through the process of identifying the core dependencies as attached in “pom(compiling widgetset fine).xml” (lets call this the first POM) file below.

At this stage, the project compiles the widgetset now (apart from a few deprecation warnings relating to

Now I am tring to add spreadsheets to the project for which I included the vaadin-spreadsheets 1.3.2 dependency in the first pom.xml. I got the error then that com.allen-sauer.gwt.dnd.gwt-dnd wasn’t included. So I added that. After that I got the jsonwrapper error, added that. Then also added the org.vectomatic.lib-gwt-svg as was required.

Currently I have the pom in the state as shown by the second POM file “pom(current).xml”.

After this I get errors, shown in full in the attachment, that I am unable to resolve…

Errors in ‘jar:file:/C:/Users/hrforecast-guest/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/gwt-user/2.3.0/gwt-user-2.3.0.jar!/com/google/gwt/xml/client/impl/’
Line 33: The method supportsCDATASection() of type XMLParserImplOpera must override or implement a supertype method
Errors in ‘jar:file:/C:/Users/hrforecast-guest/.m2/repository/org/vaadin/addons/nodegraphwidget/0.1.23/nodegraphwidget-0.1.23.jar!/com/pantar/widget/graph/client/ui/’
Line 204: ApplicationConnection cannot be resolved "

I am not sure what to make of it. Could you please have a look and give me any insights into resolving the issue? Does this happen usually with new addon integrations?

I am using Java 1.6, Maven 3.2.5 and Vaadin 7.4.0.alpha10 with both POMs.

Durga (11 KB)


These kinds of problems can occur when you try and integrate many different add-ons that have dependencies on loads of other things. Then there can be all sorts of version conflicts. It looks like this would be the case here. The dependecies you mentioned shouldn’t be needed for spreadsheet as far as I know. By the way, why do you use an alpha version of 7.4? There are newer versions of the 7.4 branch, and much newer version in the 7-branch.

You can run “mvn dependency:tree” to see what Maven thinks it needs. If different versions of the same library are in the dependency tree it is typically as sign of trouble. This will also tell you more information about which library require which dependecy.

Hope this helps to resolve the issues.
