Vaadin 8 with old add-ons

My app is using Vaadin 7.7.6 with add-ons that are not compatible with Vaadin 8 (yet).

If I upgrade to Vaadin 8, will the add-ons still work via the v7 compatibility layer?


Probably not :frowning: Some simple add-ons might work just fine, even without compatibility packages, but if the add-on has anything to do with Field, Container, Item or Property interface, you are out of luck.

You could first try it out if it works and then comment to Directory that it works. Then the maintainer could just mark that it works with V8 in the Directory’s admin interface.

Upgrading add-ons should be pretty easy. I’d expect many add-ons to by updated within next couple of months. Let the maintainer know you need the upgrade and if you find some time, try to help the author with a pull request.


Thanks Matti! …And congrats on the release of v8!