Idea + Maven + component creation

I try to add this add-on:!addon/masketfield

  1. If i add maven dependency - it works good.
  2. If i download sources and set it to classpath - it doesn’t work.

In 1 situation i get:

  • some GWT-compiled files in path ‘/target/classes/VAADIN/widgetsets/AppWidgetset/.
  • file ‘/target/classes/AppWidgetset.gwt.xml’
  • file ‘/target/generated-resources/gwt/AppWidgetset.gwt.xml’
    In 2 situation i get:
  • files in path ‘/target/classes/VAADIN/widgetsets/com.alsnightsoft.vaadin.MasketfieldWidgetset/.
  • no ‘/target/classes/AppWidgetset.gwt.xml’ files

Error text on component-place: 'Widgetset ‘com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet’ does not contain an implementation for com.alsnightsoft.vaadin.MaskedField. Check the connector’s @Connect mapping, the widgetset’s GWT module description file and re-compile your widgetset. In case you have downloaded a vaadin add-on package, you might want to refer to ’

Here is Maven code with Vaadin Maven Plugin:

<extraJvmArgs>-Xmx512M -Xss1024k</extraJvmArgs>

Where is the problem?
How can i use classpath-placed components instead Maven-connected?