Vaadin chart not showing


I’m trying to visualize a lot of data using Vaadin Charts.
The problem is that some specific charts started to disapeer. The area for the chart is showing a loading symbol for 10ms or something, and then goes to white, though the component is added.

When I try to add the chart, i tried to sysout the Caption, and as expected the chart was created, and all the data seems legit.
Sometimes all the charts are showing, other times not - but the first two charts are showing alle the time.

I first thought it was threading-issue, so I removed ALL threading, and tried again. No dice. Then I though maybe I had too many charts in one vertical layout, so I added two charts per tabsheet, though it still failed 95% of the time. The I tried setting a delay on 1 sec between the creations - still no luck.

What is happening? It’s the same data all the time, but sometimes the charts (only theese specific ones), wont be shown for the user.

First itteration gives a working sheet with charts:

All other tabs (itterations)

The code generating the tabsheet with the charts. Beware that the error existed before the tab-sheets were introduced, so that is not the problem.

private void initTabsheet() {
Date from = fromDate.getValue();
Date to = toDate.getValue();
ChartMaker chartMaker = new ChartMaker(from, to, new ArrayList<String>(hardwares));
TabSheet hwSheet = new TabSheet();
VerticalLayout sumTab = new VerticalLayout();
VerticalLayout statisticsTab = new VerticalLayout();
VerticalLayout firmwareTab = new VerticalLayout();

// These works just fine
sumTab.addComponent(chartMaker.getBarAccumulationHardwareDeviceTime(from, to, new ArrayList<String>(hardwares)));
sumTab.addComponent(chartMaker.getBarAccumulationHardwareBoots(from, to, new ArrayList<String>(hardwares)));
sumTab.addComponent(chartMaker.getBarAccumulationHardwareTickets(from, to, new ArrayList<String>(hardwares)));

sumTab.addComponent(chartMaker.getHistoricAccumulationHardwareDevicetime(from, to, new ArrayList<String>(hardwares)));
sumTab.addComponent(chartMaker.getHistoricAccumulationHardwareBoots(from, to, new ArrayList<String>(hardwares)));
sumTab.addComponent(chartMaker.getHistoricAccumulationHardwareTickets(from, to, new ArrayList<String>(hardwares)));

statisticsTab.addComponent(chartMaker.getHistoricStatisticsHardwareBootrate(from, to, new ArrayList<String>(hardwares)));
statisticsTab.addComponent(chartMaker.getHistoricStatisticsHardwareErrorrate(from, to, new ArrayList<String>(hardwares)));

// It is this loop that generates the charts, where only the first itteration actually 
// works (Or they do work, the charts are created, but no
for (String hw : hardwares) {
    VerticalLayout tab = new VerticalLayout();
    tab.addComponent(chartMaker.getHistoricStatisticsFirmwareBootrate(from, to, hw));
    tab.addComponent(chartMaker.getHistoricStatisticsFirmwareErrorrate(from, to, hw));

subdata.addTab(sumTab).setCaption("Accumulations | Hardware");
subdata.addTab(statisticsTab).setCaption("Statistics | Hardware");
subdata.addTab(firmwareTab).setCaption("Staticstics | Firmware");


The code that generates the charts:

private Chart makeInitialChart(String title, String subtitle, String yt) {
    // Create chart
    Chart chart = new Chart(ChartType.LINE);
    Configuration conf = chart.getConfiguration();

    // Add the dates to the x-axis

    // Set y-axis
    YAxis y = new YAxis();

    Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip();

    return chart;
public Chart getHistoricStatisticsFirmwareBootrate(Date from, Date to, String hardware) {
    Chart chart = makeInitialChart("Bootrate by " + hardware + "'s firmware", "Between " + from + " and " + to, "Bootrate");
    Configuration conf = chart.getConfiguration();

    for (String fw : dao.getDistinctFirmwareBasedOnHardware(hardware)) {
        DataSeries ls = new DataSeries();
        ls.setPlotOptions(new PlotOptionsLine());

        Calendar calend = Calendar.getInstance();
        Calendar beginCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(calend.get(Calendar.YEAR), calend.get(Calendar.MONTH), calend.get(Calendar.DATE));
        Calendar endCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(calend.get(Calendar.YEAR), calend.get(Calendar.MONTH), calend.get(Calendar.DATE));
        while (beginCalendar.compareTo(endCalendar) <= 0) {
            DataSeriesItem item = new DataSeriesItem(beginCalendar.getTime(), getBootRateFirm(hardware, fw, beginCalendar.getTime()));
            beginCalendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);



    return chart;

I didn’t see any problem in your chart code. Did you manage to get this working already? I would need a smaller self-contained project to try to debug the issue. Can you provide such?

Hi Johannes.

Thank you! I couldn’t find the problem at first either.
The problem was divison by zero, wich is apparently not thrown, when using doubles -

I had a method deeper down looking like:

public Double getErrorRateByFWAndDate(String fw, String hw, Date date) {
if (!knownDates.contains(date)) return 0.0;

double tt = 0.0;
double dt = 0.0;
for (Errorstatistic errorstatistic : esMap.get(date)) {
    if (errorstatistic.getFirmware().equals(fw) && errorstatistic.getHardware().equals(hw)) {
        tt += errorstatistic.getTicketstotal() == null ? 0.0 : errorstatistic.getTicketstotal();
        dt += errorstatistic.getDevicetime() == null ? 0.0 : errorstatistic.getDevicetime();
return tt / dt;

[/code]So there was a chance the database would return zero, hence giving a division-by-zero error.

Simply fixed it with:

if(dt == 0.0) return 0.0; It sure does suck not seing that!

Anyway - you’re help a second set of eyes are much appreciated.

Best regards,

Wow what an annoying bug. Well, I’m glad you found the reason.