fragment #! in Url

Hello, did someone know how we do to remove this frament when we use Nagivator to navigate from view to an other view :

Instead of

My code :

from view 1:

getSession().setAttribute(“user”, authentication.getName());

To view 2:

public class LoginMainView extends CustomComponent implements View {

public static final String NAME = "admin";

Label text = new Label();
Button logout = new Button("Logout", new Button.ClickListener() {
    public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) {

public LoginMainView() {
    setCompositionRoot(new CssLayout(text, logout));

public void enter(ViewChangeListener.ViewChangeEvent event) {
    String username = String.valueOf(getSession().getAttribute("user"));
    text.setValue("Hello " + username);


Those #! fragments are essential for the Navigator to work. You can check History add-on at!addon/history
to work with Navigator having custom format for url.

Yeah, History add-on (and underlaying HTML pushState) is the thing that makes deep linkin work with views like it should.

In Vaadin 8 there will be also at least low level pushState support in the framework, but I’m hoping the core team will accept my patch which makes it in real use with Navigator by default:

If you find this important, like I do, please go to the pull request and comment there!
