Read user sessionId after Tomcat restart

Hello everyone,
in my Vaadin 7 app, I need to save user sessions’id after login to connect automatically users whene they close browser or we restart Tomcat.

I tried to use cooki with no success.
Someone has any suggestion about this?


Storing SessionID is not enough. What you need to do is serialize the whole session if you want your user to be able to return to the same application state as before closing the browser. Is that what you are after or are we talking about only allowing to store login details between sessions?

Johannes Häyry:
Storing SessionID is not enough. What you need to do is serialize the whole session if you want your user to be able to return to the same application state as before closing the browser. Is that what you are after or are we talking about only allowing to store login details between sessions?

How about just storing login details between sessions? We will store it in redis and try to find it with previous jsessionid as key? Is it possible because after every tomcat restart we get new session id?

Using the above configuration will enable all-to-all session replication using the DeltaManager to replicate session deltas. By all-to-all we mean that the session gets replicated to all the other nodes in the cluster. This works great for smaller cluster but we don’t recommend it for larger clusters.