Angular 2 CLI Webpack App and Firebase Hosting

I am currently evaluating Angular 2 and Vaadin / Polymer components as the architetcure for a web application and have tried to test out deployment to firebase hosting. The app is very simple and uses some vaadin core and polymer components as examples.

The app runs fine in the local development environment but when I try and run the deployed app on firebase hosting I get errors in the console that relate to polymer of the kind at the bottom of this post;

I have followed the high level steps below and all steps seem to work properly,

  1. ng build --prod
  2. npm install -g firebase-tools
  3. firebase login
  4. firebase init - yes to single page app and No to overwrite index
  5. firebase deploy

Can you let me know if this is a common issue and if there are any known resolutions.

Best Regards

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘instanceCount’ of undefined
at HTMLElement.createdCallback (
polymer-micro.html:199 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘instanceCount’ of undefined(…)
polymer-micro.html:167 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘_catchFirstRender’ of undefined(…)
polymer-element.js:59Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘useShadow’ of undefined(…)