Drag&Drop mail from eMail-Client

Hi Experts,

I try to d&d an eMail from Outlook / Thunderbird directly into a VaadinApplication using DragAndDropWrapper which does not work.
Sme problem with EasyUploads (as it uses the same component):

Easy uploads states:

    at org.vaadin.easyuploads.MultiFileUpload.drop(MultiFileUpload.java:361)
    at com.vaadin.server.DragAndDropService.handleDropRequest(DragAndDropService.java:133)
    at com.vaadin.server.DragAndDropService.changeVariables(DragAndDropService.java:97)

this happens because

Html5File[] files = transferable.getFiles();

in drop(DragAndDropEvent event) is null after dropping the mail.
I’m using Vaadin 7.7.5 and saw
this ticket
, but it doesn’t fix it. Someone with a similar problem? Any hints appreciated!


I don’t know about Thunderbird, but from Outlook I never got it working.
It seems related with Outlook itself (even recent versions). It’s not working with some other web dnd either (for instance Dropbox)

Has anyone more info ?


I tried Chrome and Firefox both not working. Dropping any other file is no problem, just eMails causes the problem because they are not persistent and not using HF_HDROP but CFSTR_FILECONTENTS instead.
Seems to be some ping-pong between Outlook and Browser-Manufacturers - at least there is a bug
for Chrome.
So most probably we have to wait for them to fix it. Any other solutions will be appreciated anyway…

Hi I had actually just posted a question regarding to this. Is it not possible to have the component just accept CFSTR_FILECONTENTS?

Does anyone know how to get this done?


in drop(DragAndDropEvent event) is null after dropping the mail.
I’m using Vaadin 7.7.5 and saw this ticket, but it doesn’t fix it. Someone with a similar problem? Any hints appreciated!

Yes, that fix only prevents NPE happening. The issue is that object dropped from Outlook is not of supported type.