Is it possible to trigger some event in remote portlet using WSRP?

Hi i am Goutam

I started to work in WSRP.
I need to know how to trigger an event in another remote portlet (or) portlet in another page.
Is it possible?

Thanks in advance


Goutam Janardhanan

This is not my field of expertise nor really Vaadin specific (Googling for “WSRP portlet event” might help). As far as I know, WSRP 1.0 specification does not support this but WSRP 2.0 probably does.

At least WebLogic and Liferay seem to support these, although there is bug
in Liferay that will be fixed in next release.

On Liferay you can also use client-side IPC (and the add-on
Vaadin IPC for Liferay
), but it is portal-specific.