ClickableTextRenderer add-on

ClickableTextRenderer Add-on
is yet another Renderer for the Vaadin Grid component.

It is in particular useful in the drill-down scenario but you may find other uses for it as well.

Here’s a taste of what it does:

GitHub repo
contains further usage examples and also discusses what your alternatives are.



Thank you for sharing this Peter!

Is there any chance you might update this for Vaadin 8?

Regarding v8: I’ve been looking into it, but got
stuck on this
. Once this is ironed out in the Framework, I’ll continue my efforts to port the add-on to v8.

Hi Peter,

I’ve tried to get the v8 plugin working, but all I get is a blank grid.

If I remove the column, or don’t set the renderer, then the grid displays correctly, otherwise its blank. (It seems the <tr> row are a there, but not the <td> cells.

// grid.addColumn(EventLogEntry::getSessionId,new ClickableTextRenderer(myListener)).setCaption("Session Id");


// myColumn.setRenderer( new ClickableTextRenderer(myListener) );

Have you seen this before??

