useUCT= false


we are using vaadin charts. We currently have following use case:

tooltip.setFormatter( "'<span style=\"color:'+ this.series.color +'\">\u25CF</span> ' + " + // "'<b>' +'</b> | ' + " + "Highcharts.dateFormat('%e.%m.%Y (%H:%M:%S)', this.point.low) + ' - ' + " + "Highcharts.dateFormat('%e.%m.%Y (%H:%M:%S)', this.point.high);");

It seems that the TimeZone differs. How can i set useUCT to false and / or timeZoneOffset so the times are displayed correctly?

I only found this discussion:!/thread/888196

Anyone? Need to set the timezoneOffset.

Following is not working!

UI.getCurrent(). getPage(). getJavaScript(). execute("Highcharts.setOptions({global: { timezoneOffset: -1 * 2 * 60}});</script>");