Vaadin 7 Notifique Add-on

Is anyone willing to share some examples of how to incorporate this into an application? I’m a newbie to Vaadin. All help is appreciated!

Does anyone know where this can be found?

Vaadin Add-on Notifique 7.4.6

Notifque is not part of Vaadin framework itself, it is a separeted addon.

As I can see from
it supports only Vaadin 6; however first comment points to a version for Vaadin 7 (

To learn how to use an addon in your maven project follow Vaadin documentation at


I have built the
Notifique for Vaadin 7.1
project as a jar using Maven, and then included it with the application I’m developing as a Referenced Library. I inspected the contents of the jar and confirmed that the Notifique widgetset was in it. However, when using Notifique in my application I’m getting the “DefaultWidgetSet does not contain implementation…” error (see attachment)

My application is build with Gradle with an embedded Tomcat, and does not contain a WEB-INF subdirectory containing web.xml. How do I enable the custom widgetset used in Notifique,
, into my project?


Maybe a silly question, but have you recompiled your project widgetset?
Have you specified your widgetset (@Widgetset annotation on UI class or specified in @VaadinServletConfiguration on Servlet)?

Thank you for your response, Marco.

Yes, I recompiled the widgetset. The Notifique for Vaadin 7.1 project does not build with the code in GitHub as-is.

Could you build it and post the jar to a Maven or Gradle repo? Here is the link:
Notifique for Vaadin 7.1
I have already asked the Haulmont Thirdparty group for assistance but have gotten no response. Alternatively, do you possibly have a different solution for displaying RSS feeds in Vaadin 7 using the Valo theme?

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.

Hi Jane,
what do you want to achieve? Do you need some sort of stack notifications like
this ones
? Or something else?

I need to display some RSS feeds, a stacked format would be great. That’s pretty much it. The Notifique add-on looked interesting and visually appealing in the demo, which is why I was trying to make it work. Do you have any other examples using Vaadin 7 of how to read and display a syndication feed?

Hi Jane,
I forked Haulmont/Notifique repository and applied some modification in order to make it work with Vaadin 7.6.8 (did no tried with older version, but it shuold work).
I tried it in a sample application (code is from NotifiqueSampleApplicationUI class of the addon) using Valo theme and it works.

You can clone it from
and then run mvn install then add dependecy in your pom and recompile widgetset


The project structure could be improved but I have no time to do it now.


Thanks so much, Marco, I will give it a try :slight_smile:

Hi, Marco,

I have built the Notifique that you updated for Vaadin 7 using Maven. All good. I have added it as a resource to my Gradle project. The classes are recognized, however, it is not finding the Notifique widgetset:

Widgetset ‘com.vaadin/DefaultWidgetSet’ does not contain implementation or org.vaadin.jouni.animator.AnimatorProxy.

You mention above to recompile the Notifique widgetset. I did that when I did the Maven build to product the jar. Should the widgetset again be compiled somewhere else?

Thanks for any info you have.

Hi Jane,
you should compile widgetset on the project that uses the addon

will the version 7 not be part of the vaadon addon repo to make it easy to use not having 2 different ways of including addon to a project?

until then, does anyone have a easy to follow step list for making it work when using intellij ultimate version?
