Dynamically determine the content of a *WizardStep* during runtime

Ok so I have been tinkering a bit with the Wizards for Vaadin addon. I managed to create a wizard that gets loaded into my view and all the steps within it. Now I have an issue however.

I am using different layouts, which I then load into my wizardSteps, such as e.g this:

public class Step2 implements WizardStep{  

    public Component getContent() {
        Layout2 = new Layout2(model, wizard.getPlanes());
        return Layout2;

This is working as intended, it fills the content of my
with the
and so forth…

Now, however what I am trying to achieve is the following:

I want to use a variable, that I get after completing
… how do I achieve this? I wanted to do this via the onAdvance() method, but somehow this does not seem to work. When I check using the Debugger, I can see that prices is still empty (this means that at that time, the prices I selected via OptionGroup are still empty)

public class Step1 implements WizardStep{   

String planes;
    public Component getContent() {
        Layout1 = new Layout1(odel);
        return Layout1;
//I'm checking all optionGroups in Layout1 (have multiple for other reasons) and if they are selected,
//I can continue to the next step

    public boolean onAdvance() {
        for(OptionGroup optionGroup : Layout1.getOptionGroups()){
            if(optionGroup.getValue() != null){
                planes = getPlanes();
                return true;


while I am not 100% sure what you want to accomplish the following code might be of use. Please note that what you want to do can probably be achieved in a number of different ways and this might not be the fastest way but in my example it works fine.

I initialize the wizard and add two steps, such that the second step gets the first step as a parameter:

Wizard myWizard = new Wizard();
FirstStep firstStep = new FirstStep();
myWizard.addStep(new SecondStep(firstStep));

The FirstStep class looks like this:

public class FirstStep implements WizardStep {

    TextField text;

    public String getCaption() {
        return "1Step1";

    public Component getContent() {

        VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();

        text = new TextField();

        return layout;

    public boolean onAdvance() {
        return true;

    public boolean onBack() {
        return true;

    public String getInputValue() {
        if (text == null || text.getValue() == null) {
            return "";
        return text.getValue();


Thus in the second step I need the constructor:

    FirstStep firstStep;

    public SecondStep(FirstStep firstStep) {
        this.firstStep = firstStep;

Which allows me to use this code, also in the second step:

    public boolean onAdvance() {
        if (firstStep.getInputValue().equals("Continue")) {
            return true;
        return false;

Hopefully this example will help you modify your code in the desired way.

Best regards,
