Spring Boot + Vaadin problems

Hello all,

I’m trying to use Vaadin with Spring Boot and Gradle and I’m running agaisnt a lot of problems. I’m using Vaadin 7.6.6, Intellij IDEA 2016 and I usually need to run my app using “gradle bootRun” for development purposes. Let me describe them here:

  1. I’ve read that Valo is the primary theme for 7.3+ but everytime a run the app the default theme is reindeer. The solution seems to be using @Theme(“valo”) on my UIs but thats seems strange given the information on Vaadin Documentation. I would really like to have a proper way to define that my default theme is Valo or that Vaadin would choose it automatically as the documentation states.
  2. Spring Boot provides a live reload feature to speed up development, but everytime I reload the project I get a 404 on the current page. That means that I can’t live reload my project?
  3. Im trying to use a Grid widget on my UI but I always get a blank space where the Grid should be. Inspecting the source I see that the html for at least the placeholder is there but the Grid is not loaded and I don’t get any errors on the app output… I have a Grid configured with a LazyQueryContainer that for now only has an empty AbstractBeanQuery. I know it is not properly configured but I would like to have more meaningful errors in order to see what’s wrong before doing a lot of code I’m not sure will work.

So what I really needed is to use Spring Boot with Vaadin using Gradle on Intellij, with Valo, LiveReload and logging properly configured. I would appreciate if anyone have some examples with this use case.


I’m working on it these days. just clone and rename application.yml.template to application.yml, .\gradlew bootRun, Hope helps.


I work on a project which is spring boot + Vaadin + I ntellij enabled.
I don’t meet the problem you describe but :
1/ Our default theme is a custom theme which inherits from Valo, this theme is bound to the UI with the
@Theme annotation
2/ I my development process, I usually don’t use the gradle bootRun task. Usually, I use an Idea Tomcat server on which I deploy the project exploded artifact war. this artifact requires some tricks to have the vaadin resources (widgetset and themes) because in a spring boot app, theses resources are not generated in the webapp folder
With this config I have no problem with live reload which includes :
- java update (signatures update always need a tomcat reboot)
- themes or widgetsets update. need a build > build artifact step and a F5 on the browser (with inspector enabled to avoid cache problems)
3/ don’t know but when I meet a probleme with no server-side error, javascript console is in general useful
