Vaadin Grid Column Reorder

i know it’s on the road map and I have asked before but is there any update on when the column reorder feature will be addressed? If not how can my team contribute? It has become a blocker for us using the element

We’re still not working on it actively, as there are some quite fundamental decisions regarding the grid that we need to make internally before we can proceed adding any new features to the grid. Sorry about this. We should have those decisions in a few weeks, and after that I can start sharing more concrete roadmaps for vaadin-grid.

In the meantime, if you wish to contribute, the first thing is to get the development environment up and running. For vaadin-grid, that means setting up GWT compilation. You can follow the instructions in the readme:

From there, the task is to expose the underlying feature from I don’t have anything more specific to offer, you just need to follow the “reorder” related code there. Here’s a starting point:

For the design part, you already know that the issue contains a mockup:

thx for the info