GetFeatureInfoUrl on layers

Hello, I am trying to get information from layers (I have my map, and 2 layers), my layers from Geoserver (localhost). My layers are displayed.

at this moment, how I create layers :

private OLSource afficheCalque(String calqueId) {
        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
        OLTileWMSSourceOptions options = new OLTileWMSSourceOptions();

        params.put(CChaineCaractere.LAYERS, calqueId);
        params.put(CChaineCaractere.FORMAT, CChaineCaractere.PNG);
        params.put("CRS", "EPSG:4326");

        return new OLTileWMSSource(options);

And, how I am trying get information from layers

((CarteSiteVue) vue).getMap().addClickListener(new OLMap.ClickListener() {

        public void onClick(OLMap.OLClickEvent pClickEvent) {


[/code]But my Urls don’t give me results… I have this error :

What are my mistakes ?