Can't add Achetype for Vaadin

Following the tutorial,
I am using Eclipse, and I go to File > New Maven Project. Then I browse to a place to save my project. Now I’m being told to add an Archetype.

I type in Vaadin in the filter, and get nothing.

I go to Add Archetype:

Archetype Group ID
: com.vaadin

Archetype Artifact Id:

Archetype Version

Repository URL:

And then I get this error:

Can’t resolve Archetype com.vaadin:vaadin-archetype-application:7.6.4
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Could not resolve artifact com.vaadin:vaadin-archetype-application:pom:7.6.4

Where do I go from here?

Hi, you parameters looks just correct to me. Are you maybe behind some maven proxy?

You could also try creating the project using command line like this:

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.vaadin -DarchetypeArtifactId=vaadin-archetype-application -DarchetypeVersion=7.6.4 If it works, import it to eclipse as “Existing Maven project” and continue. If it don’t we’ll probably get more hints than what eclipse prints to you.

Also you could try
downloading the project
as zip file at a certain step, extract it and “Import → Import as existing Maven project”.

Let us know if it don’t work!


It didn’t work in Eclipse, under Maven, I made a settings.xml file and inputted my proxy settings. I followed

these instructions

but I got a couldn’t connect error.

I tried to import > Existing Maven Projects and browsed to the zip file you gave me but unfortunately I got these errors:

I’m actually not familliar with Maven at all which is probably why I’m getting these problems. Is there a way to use Vaadin without maven? Or at least follow along the tutorial.

I tried to right click >Run as Maven Install and get this:

Scanning for projects…
Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:
Non-resolvable import POM: Could not transfer artifact com.vaadin:vaadin-bom:pom:7.6.2 from/to central ( Failed to authenticate with proxy @ line 39, column 16
‘dependencies.dependency.version’ for com.vaadin:vaadin-server:jar is missing. @ line 56, column 15
‘dependencies.dependency.version’ for com.vaadin:vaadin-push:jar is missing. @ line 60, column 15
‘dependencies.dependency.version’ for com.vaadin:vaadin-client:jar is missing. @ line 64, column 15
‘dependencies.dependency.version’ for com.vaadin:vaadin-themes:jar is missing. @ line 83, column 15
The build could not read 1 project → [Help 1]


The project my.vaaadin:app:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT (C:\Users\trissf50\Downloads\tutorial-master\pom.xml) has 5 errors
Non-resolvable import POM: Could not transfer artifact com.vaadin:vaadin-bom:pom:7.6.2 from/to central ( Failed to authenticate with proxy @ line 39, column 16 → [Help 2]

‘dependencies.dependency.version’ for com.vaadin:vaadin-server:jar is missing. @ line 56, column 15
‘dependencies.dependency.version’ for com.vaadin:vaadin-push:jar is missing. @ line 60, column 15
‘dependencies.dependency.version’ for com.vaadin:vaadin-client:jar is missing. @ line 64, column 15
‘dependencies.dependency.version’ for com.vaadin:vaadin-themes:jar is missing. @ line 83, column 15

To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.

For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[Help 1]
[Help 2]

There is definitely something wrong with your Maven proxy settings. I think Eclipse actually uses those same settings for Maven (instead of its
internal proxy settings
), you can find it via Eclipse settings dialog (Maven-> User settigns). I can’t say exactly what should be configured there, but I’d try adapting setting from your browser. See this
Maven proxy help page

If setting maven proxy is this hard for many users, we should probably prepare a script into the zip download package that can install all relevant stuff to local maven repository.


Ok I managed to get it to work without using maven. I just used the Eclipse Vaadin plugin > Created Vaadin 7 project and started to work out of the Vaadin 7 cookbook and got a few of their examples to work. The cookbook really made Vaadin a lot easier to understand. At first I had no clue where to start after just getting Vaadin up and running. I feel like everyone else was able to understand Vaadin from the tutorial and from the book of Vaadin but me.

I’m going to go through some more of the cookbook and then try to continue the tutorial. I don’t know how necessary the archetype is to the rest of the project, but hopefully I can at least follow along the code.

Thank you for your patience and helping!

I too cannot create the Vaadin archetype. I am not behind a proxy. Is there a known solution to this problem?

Can’t resolve Archetype
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Could not resolve artifact

Instead of LATEST, put the actual number (7.6.8)

That’s the only thing I can see that might be it. Otherwise, you can try installing maven, creating the project with maven command line then import that project into Eclipse, which is the only way I’ve been able to do it.

I have the same problem: The organisation I contract for uses a proxy that maven is not able to use (Eclipse does).

It is one thing to offer maven integration, but the current state seems to be that you cannot use the Eclipse Vaadin Plugin for anything without an internet connection, since creating new projects or even compiling widget sets (!) seems to require maven to access its online repository.

I am very surprised by this state of affairs. I cannot be the only developer who sometimes has to work offline, e.g. in an airplane. I hope someone can offer some insight how to solve this (besides installing a maven repository mirror, which I assume would deter many developers).