Viritin MTable with LazyList not refreshing when calling resetLazyList()

I’m using Vaadin 7.6.1 and Viritin 1.4.2

I’ve provided a fully functional minimal example below, which generates a table with 2 rows, which contain id 1 and 2. When the “Update Rows” button is clicked the table should repopulate with id 2 and 4 - but does not.

Is call ing resetLazyList() the correct way to cause the table to update or is this a bug?

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import org.vaadin.viritin.LazyList.CountProvider;
import org.vaadin.viritin.SortableLazyList.SortablePagingProvider;
import org.vaadin.viritin.button.MButton;
import org.vaadin.viritin.fields.MTable;

import com.vaadin.navigator.View;
import com.vaadin.navigator.ViewChangeListener.ViewChangeEvent;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener;
import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;

public class CutdownExample extends VerticalLayout implements View

    private long base = 0;

    public CutdownExample()


    public void enter(ViewChangeEvent event)

        ViritinProvider provider = new ViritinProvider();

        final MTable<Entity> mTable = new MTable<Entity>(provider, provider).withProperties("id")

        MButton updateButton = new MButton("Update Rows").withListener(new ClickListener()

            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event)
                base += 2;


        setExpandRatio(mTable, 1f);


    static final public class Entity
        Long id;

        public Entity(long base)
            id = base;

        public Long getId()
            return id;

    class ViritinProvider implements CountProvider, SortablePagingProvider<Entity>

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public List<Entity> findEntities(int firstRow, boolean sortAscending, String property)

            List<Entity> list = new LinkedList<>();
            list.add(new Entity(base));
            list.add(new Entity(base + 1));

            return list;

        public int size()
            return 2;



Now that GitHub is back online…

instead of


I think resetLazyList() should do fine as well. Could you try with the latest versions (Vaadin 7.6.2 and Viritin 1.43). I think I might have fixed this, there was a related issue in MGrid that I patched in ListContainer.
