Is Vaadin chart support data grouping (i.e by month)


As in highcharts, data grouping is available for x-axies timeseries by daily, monthly, yearly… Is the same feature supported in VaadinChart?

If not, how can I do that effect smartly (without coder handles the calculation). Thanks!


Hey. The two solutions mentioned in the StackOverflow link notes that you need HighStock to have them work. We’re switching out HighCharts for HighStock in Charts 3 and it is the task the team is working right now. There isn’t a release including this yet, but Charts 3 alpha 9 should be the first one which should include it. Then the dataSeries → dataGrouping should be available. If using Charts 3 is an option for you, then I’d test it with the next release which is due on 2016-02-04.