Vaadin 7.5.10 to 7.6.1 - loading spinner never stops when Spreadsheet prese

Upgraded from 7.5.10 to 7.6.1 and my app has a couple windows with the Vaadin Spreadsheet 1.1.4 component and as soon as the window is displayed loading spinner starts and never stops making the app useless because it block’s the user.

Doesn’t happen in Vaadin 7.5.10 or anything previous but does happen using Vaadin 7.6.0 or 7.6.1, anyone else seen this or have any ideas.

Some more information doesn’t happen when running on my local server (ubuntu) but does happen when I deploy to a remote test server (windows). Once the window opens if i quickly click a cell on the spreadsheet it stops the blue progress bar and loading indicator from running and I can use the app as normal. Currenlty trying to get to work with vaddin 7.6.4 and spreadsheet 1.1.6 but issue still happens.

Have you checked the ?debug window to make sure that all versions (servlet, widgetset, theme) match. Also are there any warning/error messages in the debug window or browser console?

Thanks for replying. I tried ?debug but don’t see any issues being reported and nothing in the console log either. I even added the code the debug recommended to optimize the connector and didn’t help either. I open the Spreadsheet in a window which I thought to be the issue because I added a spreadsheet to my main view and it renders and doesn’t trigger the inifinite load indicator like the one in the window using Chrome but I tried with Firefox and it does do the inifite load on the main view. So now I’m really lost on what is happening. Also it now does it on my local server not just when I deploy it to the remote one now.

Some more information it seems now when I first open the window with the spreadsheet it is okay no infinite loading but I close the window and reopen it then it does it.

I put it back to the versions that work for now:
Vaadin 7.5.10
Spreadsheet 1.1.4

I have work I need to get done and will return to this when I have the time.

So I created a simple Vaadin 7 app using 7.6.4 and Spreadsheet 1.1.6 with just a button that opens a window with a spreadsheet and a button. As soon as the window opens I get the blue progress bar up top that never stops. I’m using Chrome Version 49.0.2623.110 (64-bit) on Ubuntu 12.04, Java 1.8.0_66 and Glassfish 4.1 server.
I just don’t get why I’m experiencing this issue.

?Debug messages:
Starting application SpreadsheetApp-334384853
149ms Using theme: spreadsheetapp
150ms Vaadin application servlet version: 7.6.4
162ms Setting hearbeat interval to 300sec.
179ms JSON parsing took 0.975ms
186ms Handling message from server
189ms * Handling resources from server
190ms * Handling type inheritance map from server
192ms Handling type mappings from server
200ms Handling resource dependencies
207ms * Handling type mappings from server completed: 14 ms
213ms * Handling meta information
214ms * Creating connectors (if needed)
223ms * Updating connector states
241ms * Handling locales
244ms * Updating connector hierarchy
247ms * Sending hierarchy change events
255ms * Running @DelegateToWidget
257ms * Sending state change events
279ms * Passing UIDL to Vaadin 6 style connectors
281ms * Performing server to client RPC calls
284ms * Unregistered 0 connectors
285ms handleUIDLMessage: 71 ms
290ms Starting layout phase
291ms Measured 0 non connector elements
293ms No more changes in pass 1
294ms Total layout phase time: 3ms
297ms * Dumping state changes to the console
298ms UIDL: undefined
328ms First response processed 1567 ms after fetchStart
329ms Processing time was 142ms
330ms Referenced paintables: 3
3802ms RPC invocations to be sent to the server:
3805ms 3 (class com.vaadin.client.ui.ui.UIConnector) :
3808ms com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.UIServerRpc.resize([613, 1356, 1356, 613]
3809ms 5 (class com.vaadin.client.ui.button.ButtonConnector) :
3814ms Sending xhr message to server: {“csrfToken”:“ea2791e0-e8f4-4a23-910e-250960e30721”,“rpc”:[[“3”,“com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.UIServerRpc”,“resize”,[613,1356,1356,613]
4362ms Server visit took 547.23ms
4363ms JSON parsing took 0.225ms
4365ms Received xhr message: for(;;);[{“syncId”: 1, “clientId”: 1, “changes” : [[“change”,{“pid”:“3”},[“0”,{“id”:“3”,“location”:“http://localhost:8080/SpreadsheetApp/?debug”}]
}]]]]], “state”:{“10”:{“caption”:“Bulk Load”},“6”:{“tabIndex”:-1,“height”:“80.0%”,“width”:“90.0%”,“caption”:“Bulk Load”},“7”:{“spacing”:true,“childData”:{“8”:{“alignmentBitmask”:5,“expandRatio”:1},“9”:{“alignmentBitmask”:5,“expandRatio”:0}},“marginsBitmask”:15,“height”:“100.0%”,“width”:“100.0%”},“8”:{“rows”:200,“cols”:52,“colGroupingData”:,“rowGroupingData”:
,“hasActions”:true,“workbookChangeToggle”:true,“height”:“100.0%”,“width”:“100.0%”},“9”:{“spacing”:true,“childData”:{“10”:{“alignmentBitmask”:5,“expandRatio”:0}}}}, “types”:{“10”:“1”,“3”:“0”,“6”:“11”,“7”:“2”,“8”:“12”,“9”:“13”}, “hierarchy”:{“3”:[“4”,“6”]
}, “rpc” : , “meta” : {}, “resources” : {}, “typeMappings” : { “com.vaadin.ui.Window” : 14 , “com.srgsaas.spreadsheetapp.SpreadsheetWindow” : 11 , “com.vaadin.ui.Panel” : 15 , “com.vaadin.addon.spreadsheet.Spreadsheet” : 12 , “com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout” : 13 }, “typeInheritanceMap” : { “14” : 15 , “4” : 3 , “5” : 8 , “0” : 4 , “6” : 5 , “11” : 14 , “3” : 7 , “2” : 6 , “15” : 3 , “12” : 7 , “13” : 6 , “7” : 9 , “8” : 7 , “1” : 10 , “10” : 7 }, “timings”:[405, 14]
4367ms Handling message from server
4368ms * Handling resources from server
4369ms * Handling type inheritance map from server
4370ms Handling type mappings from server
4372ms Loading bundle __deferred to be able to render server side class com.vaadin.addon.spreadsheet.Spreadsheet
4374ms Handling resource dependencies
4441ms * Loading widgets completed: 66 ms
4443ms * Handling meta information
4447ms * Creating connectors (if needed)
4488ms * Updating connector states
4512ms * Handling locales
4513ms * Updating connector hierarchy
4514ms * Sending hierarchy change events
4558ms * Running @DelegateToWidget
4577ms * Sending state change events
4630ms * Passing UIDL to Vaadin 6 style connectors
4632ms * Performing server to client RPC calls
4634ms * Unregistered 0 connectors
4636ms handleUIDLMessage: 188 ms
4639ms Starting layout phase
4653ms Measured 4 non connector elements
4664ms Pass 1 measured 4 elements, fired 3 listeners and did 1 layouts.
4669ms Did overflow fix for 1 elements
4678ms Pass 2 measured 5 elements, fired 1 listeners and did 0 layouts.
4688ms Did overflow fix for 1 elements
4693ms Pass 3 measured 1 elements, fired 0 listeners and did 0 layouts.
4695ms No more changes in pass 4
4698ms Total layout phase time: 57ms
4699ms * Dumping state changes to the console
4699ms UIDL: undefined
4769ms Processing time was 402ms
4770ms Referenced paintables: 8
4771ms RPC invocations to be sent to the server:
4772ms 8 (class com.vaadin.addon.spreadsheet.client.SpreadsheetConnector) :
4773ms com.vaadin.addon.spreadsheet.client.SpreadsheetServerRpc.onConnectorInit()
4774ms 6 (class com.vaadin.client.ui.window.WindowConnector) :
4775ms v.v(positionx : 0)
4776ms v.v(positiony : 0)
4780ms Sending xhr message to server: {“csrfToken”:“ea2791e0-e8f4-4a23-910e-250960e30721”,“rpc”:[[“8”,“com.vaadin.addon.spreadsheet.client.SpreadsheetServerRpc”,“onConnectorInit”,
4970ms Server visit took 191.025ms
4971ms JSON parsing took 0.075ms
4972ms Received xhr message: for(;;);[{“syncId”: 2, “clientId”: 2, “changes” : [[“change”,{“pid”:“6”},[“11”,{“id”:“6”,“v”:{“action”:“”}},[“actions”,{},[“action”,{“key”:“1”,“kc”:27,“mk”:
}]]]]], “state”:{“6”:{“positionX”:0,“positionY”:0}}, “types”:{“6”:“11”}, “hierarchy”:{“6”:[“7”]
}, “rpc” : , “meta” : {}, “resources” : {}, “timings”:[945, 540]
4973ms Handling message from server
4977ms * Handling resources from server
4980ms * Handling type inheritance map from server
4981ms Handling type mappings from server
4981ms Handling resource dependencies
4982ms * Handling meta information
4984ms * Creating connectors (if needed)
4984ms * Updating connector states
4986ms * Handling locales
4986ms * Updating connector hierarchy
4987ms * Running @DelegateToWidget
4988ms * Sending state change events
5041ms * Passing UIDL to Vaadin 6 style connectors
5042ms * Performing server to client RPC calls
5043ms * Unregistered 0 connectors
5044ms handleUIDLMessage: 61 ms
5045ms Starting layout phase
5050ms Measured 4 non connector elements
5061ms Pass 1 measured 4 elements, fired 0 listeners and did 1 layouts.
5067ms Pass 2 measured 1 elements, fired 0 listeners and did 0 layouts.
5070ms No more changes in pass 3
5078ms Total layout phase time: 32ms
5079ms * Dumping state changes to the console
5080ms UIDL: undefined
5082ms Processing time was 110ms
5084ms Referenced paintables: 8
5085ms RPC invocations to be sent to the server:
5086ms 8 (class com.vaadin.addon.spreadsheet.client.SpreadsheetConnector) :
5087ms com.vaadin.addon.spreadsheet.client.SpreadsheetServerRpc.setCellStyleWidthRatios([{0=0}]
5088ms com.vaadin.addon.spreadsheet.client.SpreadsheetServerRpc.onSheetScroll([1, 1, 12, 20]
5094ms Sending xhr message to server: {“csrfToken”:“ea2791e0-e8f4-4a23-910e-250960e30721”,“rpc”:[[“8”,“com.vaadin.addon.spreadsheet.client.SpreadsheetServerRpc”,“setCellStyleWidthRatios”,[[[0]
5142ms Server visit took 48.51ms
5145ms JSON parsing took 0.105ms
5146ms Received xhr message: for(;;);[{“syncId”: 3, “clientId”: 3, “changes” :
, “state”:{“8”:{“reload”:false,“hyperlinksTooltips”:,“cellComments”:
,“invalidFormulaCells”:}}, “types”:{“8”:“12”}, “hierarchy”:{}, “rpc” : [[“8”,“com.vaadin.addon.spreadsheet.client.SpreadsheetClientRpc”,“showSelectedCell”,[1,1,“”,false,false,true]
]], “meta” : {}, “resources” : {}, “timings”:[947, 2]
5148ms Handling message from server
5160ms * Handling resources from server
5164ms * Handling resources from server completed: 14 ms
5168ms * Handling type inheritance map from server
5175ms * Handling type inheritance map from server completed: 11 ms
5177ms Handling type mappings from server
5182ms Handling resource dependencies
5183ms * Handling meta information
5186ms * Creating connectors (if needed)
5187ms * Updating connector states
5189ms * Handling locales
5198ms * Updating connector hierarchy
5201ms * Running @DelegateToWidget
5203ms * Sending state change events
5261ms * Passing UIDL to Vaadin 6 style connectors
5262ms * Performing server to client RPC calls
5264ms Server to client RPC call: 8:com.vaadin.addon.spreadsheet.client.SpreadsheetClientRpc.showSelectedCell([1, 1, , false, false, true]
5304ms * Unregistered 0 connectors
5313ms handleUIDLMessage: 123 ms
5314ms Starting layout phase
5319ms Measured 4 non connector elements
5323ms Pass 1 measured 4 elements, fired 2 listeners and did 0 layouts.
5338ms Did overflow fix for 1 elements
5346ms Pass 2 measured 1 elements, fired 0 listeners and did 0 layouts.
5349ms No more changes in pass 3
5363ms Total layout phase time: 47ms
5363ms * Dumping state changes to the console
5364ms UIDL: undefined
5366ms Processing time was 219ms
5367ms Referenced paintables: 8

Just found out that a dev ticket has been opened and I’m not losing my mind, thank you Petri Heinonen.

I can confirm this has been fixed in 7.6.5 version of vaadin.