How to fill this TreeTable?

I have created a TreeTable, but is does not work. I’ve been trying to find the error, but cannot figure it out.
Any help would be appreciated!

import ...

public class DashboardView extends Panel implements View {

    public static final String NAME = "dashboard";

    protected static final String CHECK_PROPERTY = "Book";
    protected static final String FROM_PROPERTY = "From Terminal";
    protected static final String TO_PROPERTY = "To Terminal";
    protected static final String HOURS_PROPERTY = "Houres";

    public void enter(ViewChangeListener.ViewChangeEvent event) {
        final TreeTable sample = new TreeTable("Possible Routes");

        sample.addContainerProperty(CHECK_PROPERTY, CheckBox.class, "");
        sample.addContainerProperty(FROM_PROPERTY, String.class, "");
        sample.addContainerProperty(TO_PROPERTY, String.class, "");
        sample.addContainerProperty(HOURS_PROPERTY, Integer.class, "");

        List<Route[]> listOfRoutes = new ArrayList<Route[]

        Route route1 = new Route("Route 1", "Route 2", 2);
        Route route2 = new Route("Route 2", "Route 3", 1);

        Route[] routes = new Route[2]
 = route1;
 = route2;


        for(int i = 0; i < listOfRoutes.size() 2; i++) {
            Route route[] = listOfRoutes.get(i);
            int allHours = 0;

            sample.addItem(new Object[] {new CheckBox(""), route[0]
.toTerminal, route[route.length - 1]
.toTerminal, 0}, i);

            for(int j = 0; j < route.length 5; j++) {
                int hours = route[j]

                sample.addItem(new Object[] {new CheckBox(""), route[j]
.fromTerminal, route[j]
.toTerminal, route[j]
.hours}, j * 1000);
                allHours += hours;
                sample.setParent(j * 1000, i);

        VerticalLayout content = new VerticalLayout();