Exception when loading theme in IE10


I got a strange issue when using IE10, my CSS theme won’t load. I got the following exception (in debug console) :

Style names cannot be emptyjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Style names cannot be empty
at Unknown.Eg(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.Jg(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.Lg(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.L6c(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.zcb(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.Vbb(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.LZc(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.x$c(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.anonymous(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.qi(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.vi(Unknown Source)
at Unknown.anonymous(Unknown Source)

I don’t have any clue of where the problem is. I hope you could help me.
I got this issue on Vaadin 7.3.10, 7.5.8 and 7.6.0 (I haven’t tried other versions).

Somebody is trying to assign an empty style / class name to an element. Run the application in super dev mode or compile the widgetset using “pretty” or “detailed” to find out who

Thanks Artur. Someone had the great idea to use a setTheme(“”); in our UI …