Unstyled tabs with Valo as base theme

I really like the Valo theme, but it appears that the tabsheet tabs somehow do not get Valo styling. Every other widget seems to be style properly, but tabsheet is rendered only as a list of tab names with the selected tab in blue with a blue underscore. There are no borders around the tabs whatsoever.

I have completely stripped out my custom CSS from my scss file leaving only the import, like so:
@import “…/valo/valo.scss”;

@mixin blacknblue {

@include valo;

… just to make certain I wasn’t causing the problem, but it did not change the way the tabsheet is rendered.

I’m using Eclipse Luna with Vaadin 7.5.1.

I think that’s the default look.

Have a look at the different styles here:

For example, the framed style is applied with: tabSheet.addStyleName(ValoTheme.TABSHEET_FRAMED);

Thank you! I have been on that page before, but I never gave any weight to the fact that, by default, one checkbox was checked.