WidgetSet in Vaadin 7 project

Hey there!
I’m trying to use the FabcyLayouts addon in a Vaadin 7 project. There is no pom.xml, only ivy.xml. I copied the dependency, and Eclipse is recognizing all the new classes, however when I run it my browser shows this meesage:

widgetset ‘com.vaadin.defaultwidgetset’ does not contain implementation for org.vaadin.alump.fancylayouts.FancyCssLayout

I also tried copying the jar file into the project and adding it to the build path, but it didn’t help.


you didn’t mention if you compiled the widgetset at all. That needs to be done every time you add an add-on which has client side code, or modify possible client-side code in your project.

If you have the Vaadin plugin for eclipse installed, find an icon with two gears in it from the Eclipse toolbar. Click the arrow next to it and select Compile widgetset.


before compiling you might want to reference the addon in your project *.gwt.xml

i.e. for ICEPush addon :

<inherits name="org.vaadin.artur.icepush.IcepushaddonWidgetset" />

Yes, definitely. However if using the Vaadin plugin it will automatically look for relevant add-on packages in the classpath and add entries for those into the widgetset definition file.


Thanks so much for the replies! Just another thing, if I may: After compiling the widgetset from the button with the gears on it, if i try to run the project, i get this message in the console:

Requested resource
[/VAADIN/widgetsets/time.client.widgetset.TimeWidgetset/time.client.widgetset.TimeWidgetset.nocache.js] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.
​and the browser sais “Failed to load widgetset”.
​If I try to compile the widgetset again, eclipse says: Multiple widgetsets in project. Select a widgetset file (…widgetset.gwt.xml) to compile.

Should I try to salvage what I can into another project with clean settings or is it a simple fix?
​Thanks again!


for the first issue (error in browser) try cleaning your server, e.g. Tomcat from Eclipse → right-click it in the Servers view and select “Clean…”.

For the second issue, I’ve never actually seen that one happen. Can you check your project files to see if there actually are multiple files names *.gwt.xml in there?


The eclipse error appears, when you try to compile a widgetset of a project which includes other then its own *.gwt.xml file. this is apparently the case here since you are using an addon. Are you using addon with java source files?
A possible solution would be to select your own

and click the compile widgetset button in eclipse.

There were two gwt.xml files, each one named after the two packs I had in my java resources folder.
I didn’t know what do to about that widgetset error (panicked a little bit), so I just started a new project and copied as much as i could from the old one. All seems to work fine now. The learning curve is a bitch :slight_smile:
Thanks again!