How to set a message inside a Table when no records found?

Hi there,

I’m trying to set a message inside a Table when no records found into database.

How can I do this properly? I found a way


but that does not match my needs. I have to manage a multi-language website so I have to display the message in different languages.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you !


I’ve never used it, but I think you can do this using a Table.RowGenerator.

You can replace the table, with label dynamicaly:

        if (!recordsFound()) {
            Label noChanges = new Label(__("NO_RECORDS"), ContentMode.HTML);
            getViewer().replaceComponent(content, noChanges);
            ((AbstractOrderedLayout) getViewer()).setComponentAlignment(noChanges, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER);

Hi Auke,

Thank you for answering me back.

I tried something like that :

if (myTable.isEmpty()) {

   myTable.setRowGenerator(new Table.RowGenerator() {

         public Table.GeneratedRow generateRow(Table table, Object itemId) {
             Table.GeneratedRow row = new Table.GeneratedRow();
             row.setText("No records found");

             return row;

[/code]… but I got nothing displayed at all into my table. What am I doing wrong here?
I did not find any conclusive examples on the web in matter to achieve it.

Do you have an example or other suggestions to make it work?

Thank you,

Hi Agata,

Thank you for answering me back.

I already thought about it and it could be a good alternative but that is not what I want as result.
I want the “No records found” message displaying into the table.

Any other suggestions?

Thank you,

You probably need to add an item to display the message:

if (myTable.isEmpty()) {
       myTable.setRowGenerator(new Table.RowGenerator() {

             public Table.GeneratedRow generateRow(Table table, Object itemId) {
                 Table.GeneratedRow row = new Table.GeneratedRow();
                 row.setText("No records found");

                 return row;