create a timer with refresher

good morning

I’m trying to make a timer with vaadin, the logic backend already working my problem is in the display of digits as there are times you do not upgrade my view correctly, I am using a refresher and label to display the data, I could help with this issue.

Thank you

Well, basically, if you do update the label and you do get refreshes, then it should be working. Hard to say what the problem is based on your description. Depending on which Vaadin version you are using, were you aware that the
refresher’s functionality has been migrated to the core

Another approach is to implement the timer on the client-side and just provide updates to the server (if that is feasible in your use case). I made an add-on a few years ago which has a
timer that counts down
. It’s limited (doesn’t work when view is out of focus and there are limitations on the formatting), but you can take a look at the code to get an idea how to implement such a component.