vaadin spreadsheet

I decided to play around with vaadin spread sheet trial version. It will be of great help to the project I’m working on. I included maven dependency in my pom and included trial license key in home/users/. I tried to compile the widget sets as mentioned in . But seems like it doesn’t I’m missing something for compilation of widgetset. I see the error as attached, this tells I didn’t compile the widget set as required. Can some one help me on how to compile widget set for spreadsheet. I followed the one online but it doesn’t help.

Hi Vijay,

Have you created your project using vaadin maven archetype? In that case what version did you use?

If you didn’t use the vaadin maven archetype or the version is not one of the latest could you try running the following maven goals:

vaadin:update-widgetset vaadin:update-theme vaadin:compile

Hope this helps