Need your opinion: using Vaadin with JBizMo

Currently starting a Vaadin software project from scratch in Eclipse, I investigated on Application Development Frameworks to assist me in backoffice logic development. On Eclipse marketplace I stumbled upon a promising project called JBizMo, which seems to be mature even though it’s not too popular yet. See


JBizMo supports building of JavaFX, Eclipse RCP, Eclipse RAP, Swing, JSF (Primefaces) and


applications. The generated applications can run in a stand-alone mode or they can be deployed on a Java EE server (JBoss 8, GlassFish 4). Alternatively, the Spring platform is also supported! JBizMo applications use JPA in order to access the target database. The plug-in contains a graphical editor for designing the domain model.

I wonder if a Vaadin expert in this forum has used it already and will be so kind to give feedback if JBizMo may be a good choice for me? How were your experiences, have you had any serious issues?

Current planning for the software project: Vaadin GUI (is supported by JBizMo), PostGreSQL 9.x database server (also supported) with a Wildfly 8.2.x application server (JBoss support for JBoss JavaEE 7 exists in JBizMo).