Help about JCrop

How do I get the selected crop image in JCrop ? and save it on my local drive ?

Hi Al,

JCrop is not return with the image selected, JCrop is only return with the posisition of the image selected.
you can use another tools to crop the file and save it.

I user ImgScalr library :

            BufferedImage img = File(filenameSelected));
            BufferedImage imgRs = Scalr.crop(img, selectionLast.getX(), selectionLast.getY(), selectionLast.getWidth(), selectionLast.getHeight(),

            ByteArrayOutputStream imagebuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            ImageIO.write(imgRs, "png", imagebuffer);

            inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(

21906.jar (222 KB)

wow… thanks for your help… HAHA…
I havent known that sir…