Download File

I have form to upload file on win server. So next I want to download that file.
How can I donwload that file?

Use a StreamResource and FileDownloader. Wiki article written for 7.0.0

About resources in book of Vaadin

Also I have to mention that the popular Viritin add-on has a DownloadButton, that does some of the work for you.

FileDownloader cannot be resolved to a type…
What should I do…?

It’s com.vaadin.server.FileDownloader available in vaadin-server jar. There since 7.0.0. Are you using Vaadin 6 or 7?

There is not com.vaadin.server package, and I’m using 6.8.4v

Works fine for 6.8.16.

Wrapper class:

public class MyStreamResource extends StreamResource {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
private DownloadStream downloadStream;

public MyStreamResource(StreamSource streamSource, String filename, Application application) {
    super(streamSource, filename, application);

public DownloadStream getStream() {
    final StreamSource streamSource = getStreamSource();
    if (streamSource == null) {
        return null;
    if (downloadStream == null) {
        downloadStream = new DownloadStream(streamSource.getStream(), getMIMEType(), getFilename());
    return downloadStream;


StreamResource resource = new MyStreamResource(new StreamResource.StreamSource() {
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     public InputStream getStream() {
         InputStream fis = null;
         try {
             fis = <You input stream>
         } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
             log.error("Error getting file", ex);
         return fis;
}, "myfile", getApplication());
resource.getStream().setParameter("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"" + "myfile" + "\"");
resource.getStream().setParameter("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary");
getMainWindow().open(resource, "_self");

Thanks it’s working :smiley:

Why are you using vaadin 6? It’s only a matter of curiosity :stuck_out_tongue:

I suspect that it is necessary to maintain the old project or move to the latest version is too expensive in time and money :slight_smile:

It was started already, I’m just fixing some sh*t overhere, who left my cowerker, now ex-coworker :stuck_out_tongue:
Btw I don’t know how to upgrade to lates version, and I’m not sure if it will works again if I upgrade it.
I’m scared of getting lot of errors :smiley: