vaadin and network drive

Hi guys, Ok i got this little java application connecting to a dbf table in a network drive, it’s a swing app and works, but when I migrate it to vaadin, it’s not working, I know that the problem is when the app is trying to get the table from the network drive because I test the vaadin app with a local dbf on C drive, any solution to my problem? thanks…-_-

private static final String CAPTION = "Enviar";
	private static final String NOTIFICATION = "Pedido enviado";
	Window mainWindow;
	TextField numero_pedido = new TextField();
	TextField nombre_domiciliario = new TextField();
	static boolean error = false;
	SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
	String formatoHora;
	final String url = "jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft dBASE Driver (*.dbf)};DBQ=R:/rex";
	String sql;
	Connection connection = null;
	Statement statement = null;
	ResultSet resultSet = null;

	public void init() {
		mainWindow = new Window("Despachos");
		try {
			connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
			statement = connection.createStatement();
		} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
			mainWindow.showNotification("Error de driver de SQL",
			error = true;
		} catch (SQLException ex) {
			mainWindow.showNotification("Error en SQL" + ex.toString(),
					Notification.TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE);   //ERROR HERE
			error = true;
		Label label = new Label("Digite el Numero del despacho");
		Label label2 = new Label("Digite las iniciales del domiciliario");
		Button b = new Button(CAPTION);

	public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
		String pedido;
        String num_pedido;
        try {
            num_pedido = (String) numero_pedido.getValue();
            formatoHora = sdf.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
            sql = "UPDATE vta SET Vtamensaj = '" + nombre_domiciliario.getValue().toString() + "',Vtahorent = '" + formatoHora + "',Vtaentreg = 1  WHERE Vtacodigo = " + ((String) numero_pedido.getValue()).concat(".0") + " AND Vtaentreg = 0 ";
            pedido = ((String) numero_pedido.getValue()) + " - " + ((String) nombre_domiciliario.getValue()).substring(0, 2) + " - " + formatoHora;
            int rs = statement.executeUpdate(sql);
            if (rs == 0) {
                mainWindow.showNotification("Ya fue enviado");
            } else if (rs == 1) {
        } catch (SQLException e) {


Managed to solve by myself just add the correct credentials in line

connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,pwd);

hope this help somebody.

btw awesome framework