Dashboard Demo Problem


I tried to run Dashboard Demo with Vaadin 7.5.1
The project was built successfully but when running I gOt the following error:

Severe: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.(Lcom/google/common/eventbus/SubscriberExceptionHandler;)V
at com.vaadin.demo.dashboard.event.DashboardEventBus.(DashboardEventBus.java:14)
at com.vaadin.demo.dashboard.DashboardUI.(DashboardUI.java:42)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Met

One point, I am trying to deploy it on Glassfish.

There is a note here:

Accoding to this note I updated the guava.jar to V18, but it didn’t work.

Which version of guava.jar is compatible with Dashboard Demo?