How to add the widgetset in Root class extended web application ?


I want to add the theme and widgetset into my web application. I want to use spring security role -right base authentication, thats why I am extending the Root class of Vaadin. I have added the Theme at the Root extended class as annotation and I wrote the widgetset pkg into web.xml. But during build it is showing errors -

I am attaching the pom.xml, web.xml and the error log. Please suggest me the correct way.
Thanks :slight_smile:


7.4.0 ${vaadin.version} 9.2.3.v20140905 1.7 1.7 UTF-8

    <!-- Needed when using the widgetset optimizer (custom ConnectorBundleLoaderFactory). 
        For widgetset compilation, vaadin-client-compiler is automatically added 
        on the compilation classpath by vaadin-maven-plugin so normally there is 
        no need for an explicit dependency. -->



                <!-- Exclude some unnecessary files generated by the GWT compiler. -->
                <extraJvmArgs>-Xmx512M -Xss1024k</extraJvmArgs>
                        <!-- disabled by default to use on-the-fly theme compilation -->
                        <!-- <goal>compile-theme</goal> -->
            <!-- Clean up also any pre-compiled themes -->

        <!-- The Jetty plugin allows us to easily test the development build by 
            running jetty:run on the command line. -->

            <!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings 
                only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
            <!-- TODO Remove when is resolved -->



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Vaadin 7 Servlet



Vaadin 7 Servlet

Error log

Validating units:
Errors in โ€˜jar:file:/C:/Users/ashutosh.gupta/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin-client/7.4.0/vaadin-client-7.4.0.jar!/com/google/gwt/aria/client/RoleImpl.javaโ€™
Line 26: The type Role cannot be a superinterface of RoleImpl; a superinterface must be an interface
Line 37: The method getAriaAtomicProperty(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 42: The method getAriaBusyState(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 47: The method getAriaControlsProperty(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 52: The method getAriaDescribedbyProperty(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 57: The method getAriaDisabledState(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 62: The method getAriaDropeffectProperty(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 67: The method getAriaFlowtoProperty(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 72: The method getAriaGrabbedState(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 77: The method getAriaHaspopupProperty(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 82: The method getAriaHiddenState(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 87: The method getAriaInvalidState(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 92: The method getAriaLabelledbyProperty(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 97: The method getAriaLabelProperty(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 102: The method getAriaLiveProperty(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 107: The method getAriaOwnsProperty(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 112: The method getAriaRelevantProperty(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 117: The method getName() of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 122: The method getTabindexExtraAttribute(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 127: The method remove(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 133: The method removeAriaAtomicProperty(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 138: The method removeAriaBusyState(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 143: The method removeAriaControlsProperty(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 148: The method removeAriaDescribedbyProperty(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 153: The method removeAriaDisabledState(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 158: The method removeAriaDropeffectProperty(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 163: The method removeAriaFlowtoProperty(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 168: The method removeAriaGrabbedState(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method
Line 173: The method removeAriaHaspopupProperty(Element) of type RoleImpl must override or implement a supertype method

Thanks :slight_smile: