Vaadin Charts Burndown & Burnup

is there any plan in roadmap for new vaadin charts (burndown and Burnup)?


Best regards


Hi Alireza,

This depends a bit on what you mean by burndown and burnup. Vaadin charts is meant to be just the visual representation of data. I.e. you’ll have to feed it with the “burndown” data and instruct the chart what to do with it.

For instance if you want multiple charts in the same chart, it’s already there:

You can also set the axis types to dates, you can set plot bands to mark sprints for instance (vertical plotbands needed a minimal modification to the axis the last time I did it but worked great).

However, the logic for calculating and setting the values for the series is still left up to you.

For instance, create a diagonal line that starts from Y on day 1 and ends on 0 on day 14. Then as a sprint is ongoing, you’ll update the values between day 1 and day 14 as appropriate so that the line will slope slower/faster for the remainder… Add a bar chart in the background to show the number of tickets closed per day and you’re getting close to a burndown chart already :slight_smile:


Hi Petri,
Thanks for your reply. Your answer heIps me a lot with my plan for designing a scrum tool with vaadin and liferay. Please let me now if you have any suggestions.

Thanks in advance

Best Regards
