Square Small Buttons

What is the best and smipliest way to create a small square button. The small button style is the right height for what I need, but it is two wide and if I change the width to match the height it does not display correctly. Basically I want to create a buttion about 19px by 19px that displays on character in it.

So button.setWidth(“19px”) has some problem? The button element has some internal padding, which you need to eliminate or reduce in CSS/Sass with something like “.v-button-small {padding: 0 0;}”. And to make them square you’d need to set “border-radius: 0”.

I tried the padding setting you suggested and messed around with a few other, and the results did not work. They were similar to what I get when I attempt to set the width to “20px”. When I do that the right side of the button is cut off. When I change the padding the left side of button is cut off. The two together cut off both sides of the button, but not equally.

Hey Freddy,

What theme are you using? If it’s Valo, this should definitely work:

Button square = new Button();
square.setStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_ICON_ONLY + " " + ValoTheme.BUTTON_SMALL + " square");


.v-button.square {
  width: $v-unit-size--small;

Or this if you don’t want to use icons:

Button square = new Button("A");
square.setStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_SMALL + " square");


.v-button.square {
  padding: 0;
  width: $v-unit-size--small;

My theme includes the reindeer theme, which was the default when I started the project. As far as I know I am not usng the Valo theme.

Button btn = new Button("A");
btn.addStyleName(Reindeer.BUTTON_SMALL + " square");


.v-button.square {
  width: 20px;

  .v-button-wrap {
    padding: 0 6px 0 0;

Thanks, that worked.