I am using Vaadin Framework with Touchkit to develop an app for mobile browsers. I followed the instructions for a basic demonstration application; I used the Vaadin plugin for eclipse on my Windows 7 machine, and it worked fine the first time (I might say, also, that I had made several previous attempts at Vaadin demo apps, and this was the first one that went this smoothly). The app shows up in my default browser, Chrome, gives me a little message reminding me that this is not a phone, and runs.
I have made many modifications to this over the past week; I have dispensed with the example app’s opening view and replaced it with a navigationView, extended NavigationButton as I thought I needed to, etc. Everything continued to work fine. I was a little annoyed that it seemed that, to fix a bug, I had to (1) stop the server, (2) remove the app, (3) clean the work directory of the server (tomcat), (4) clean the server (whatever that option means); then I could change code, run maven install on the app, and re-run it on the server. If I skipped any of those steps, it seemed something would go wrong.
So this was a bit clumsy but worked. Then tonight I decided to attempt to streamline one or two of the debug options so that I wouldn’t have to right-click the project, select “Run As”, then select the maven install option. I also changed a small bit of the code.
Now, every time I run the application, I get the following message:
Widgetset ‘com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet’ does not contain implementation for com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.ui.NavigationManager. Check its component connector’s @Connect mapping, widgetsets GWT module description file and re-compile your widgetset. In case you have downloaded a vaadin add-on package, you might want to refer to add-on instructions.
I am not aware of having changed anything in the widgetset for the application. I did not add any addons; Touchkit is an add-on, I guess, but it has been getting compiled and running just fine scores of times for a week.
I read that I was supposed to “compile the widgetset”; most such references don’t say how to do that, and I haven’t had to do it before, separately, so I didn’t know (I may still not know). I finally found command-line instructions of
mvn vaadin:update-widgetset install
So I opened a command window and executed that – it seemed to run to completion and tell me it was OK – then went back to eclipse, refreshed the project, and ran again. It still gives that error. I guessed that if I put the second parameter from the command line down as a maven goal in the eclipse “debug as”/“maven build…” it would do it there, too; it seems to have done so, but running the application gives the same error message.
I found other helpful-sounding instructions that don’t seem to apply. One pointed the user to “web.xml”, except that I don’t have one.
Could changes to the source code of the server-side widgets have caused this, in any way? This has been working for a week, through many, many compilations and debug runs, I would think it has to be something small that changed, but how do I figure out what it is?