viritin ConfirmDialog of AbstractForm not working when using ShortCutListen


I’m evaluating the viritin addon. Per default after clicking the delete button of the AbstractForm a confirmation dialog opens. That’s fine.

Now I would like to add a keyboard shortcut to the delete button:

getDeleteButton().addShortcutListener(new ClickShortcut(getDeleteButton(), KeyCode.D, ModifierKey.ALT));

But now when the user presses ALT-D on the AbstractForm the entity is deleted without showing the confirmation dialog.

Any idea why this is happening and how to add a shortcut which also opens the confirmation dialog?

Thanks for help.


Hi Horst,

Looks like a bug to me. I’ll look into it!


, will be out in next maintenance release, soonish.

Thanks for pointing this out!

Thanks a lot.