ValoTheme and other Component methods not working

I was watching a Youtube Tutorial about Vaadin and it tried to add a StyleName something like below:

import com.vaadin.flow.component.UI;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.html.Label;
import com.vaadin.flow.server.VaadinRequest;

public class NavigationUI extends UI {

	public NavigationUI() {

	protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
		Label title = new Label("Tri-C.E.R.A");


However, addStyleName method and the ValoTheme are not recognized by the IDE. I’m using latest version of Spring Tool Suite 3. On pom.xml I have vaadin.version = 13.0.4 (default on Spring Starter Project).

Based on that code, it looks like you’re watching an old video which applies to Vaadin 7 or 8; Vaadin 13 no longer has the Valo theme (the default theme being Lumo) and the addStyleName method has been replaced with the more accurate addClassName.

Olli Tietäväinen:
Based on that code, it looks like you’re watching an old video which applies to Vaadin 7 or 8; Vaadin 13 no longer has the Valo theme (the default theme being Lumo) and the addStyleName method has been replaced with the more accurate addClassName.

I see. With regards to the Lumo theme, there are just two sets of themes (Dark and Light)? STS3 intelisense doesn’t help much about the constants so I would like to see more options. I had read there are styles such as “primary”, “secondary”, etc. but where can I access those? Thanks!